With our conservative and practical approach to lending, we provide individual investors, financial advisors and institutional investors with a well diversified pool of mortgages as an investment option.

Actively Managed Portfolio
Owning shares in our MIC allows investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of mortgages with a low weighted average loan-to-value.
Tangible Assets
Invest in something tangible: actual Canadian real estate. Investment portfolios with cash equivalents, common stock and bonds can be diversified by adding real estate assets.
Proven Track Record
Cambridge MIC’s past performance reveals similar or better returns to Equity indices—but with less volatility—as well as a low correlation with corporate bond returns.
17 Years of Performance
Cambridge MIC has achieved an annualized return of over 7% since 2007. Each member of the senior management has decades of individual experience in mortgage lending.

Portfolio Highlights
- Diversified pool of mortgages
- Short portfolio duration allowing for limited interest rate risk
- Primarily first position and some second position mortgages, registered against desirable properties
- Weighted average loan-to-value of less than 55%
- Listed on Fundserv (code: “CMC101”, “CMC101F” & “CMC201”)
Historic Returns
- Consistent returns over an extended period of time
- Returns of greater than 7% per annum since inception
- Opportunity to hold a significant income producing asset with a short duration backed by tangible assets
Investment Plans
Adding a MIC to your investment mix is a great way to generate a consistent income stream and diversify your investment portfolio. Cambridge MIC shares are also eligible for registered investments under TFSA, RRSP, RRIF and RESP accounts.
Note: Please consult with your accountant for tax advice on investing in Cambridge MIC under registered accounts.
Hold shares in your registered TFSA. As a shareholder, you are entitled to dividend payouts from the fund. In the case of a TFSA, returns can be withdrawn without any tax penalties.
Plan for the future. Investing in an RRSP allows you to prepare for your retirement, benefit from paying less income tax and defer taxes until withdrawal, growing your wealth.
Enjoy access to retirement income. Convert your RRSP to an RRIF and grow tax-sheltered income that you can withdraw at any time and in any amount over the required minimum.
Save for your child’s education. RESPs have no annual contribution limits and are eligible for federal government contributions as well as additional provincial grants.
Learn More
Cambridge Mortgage Investment Corporation primarily distributes its preferred shares through Cambridge Capital Management Corporation, which is an exempt market dealer.
Please contact Cambridge Capital Management Corporation at 1 604 484 8199 or info@cambridgeEMD.com for all investment related questions.